Okay, so it's October and we're finally going to report on our summer. So much has happened since then all over the place (in our area, earthquakes...), and we'll bring you up to date soon on those details. For now here's the promised glimpse of what summer held for us.
After Emily's graduation from Biola University, Manuel flew back to Mexico to continue on with ministry in Chiconautla and with the churches of our northeastern sector of greater Mexico City. The kids and I (Laura) stayed in California for a few weeks for various family activities. Caleb flew to Colorado for a 2-week immersion into Christian worldview training with Summit Ministries. He had a wonderful time and learned a lot from all of the conferences. He also had a unique, unexpected experience...
Halfway through Summit, Caleb dislocated and fractured a finger while white-water rafting. He quickly learned about US hospitals and insurance and ended up having surgery on his finger one day before returning to California. Talk about a crash course in independence!
Meanwhile those of us in California did some fun things with family and helped with a local Vacation Bible School.
Manuel joined us back in CA just as Caleb returned from Colorado, and we headed to the Sierras for a long-planned extended-family backpack trip (yes, with Caleb's just-operated-on finger). With all the snow still in the area in June it was a unique adventure for all, from Laura's 80-year-old dad down to 1-year-old Flor (foster niece). Lots of fun memories!
After all that fun it was time to pack the van, drive the 2000 miles back to Mexico, and pick up school and ministry where we'd left off. Caleb (18) finished high school, Kelly (15) finished 9th grade, Nicolas (12) completed 6th grade, and Bethany (7) 1st grade. And there was lots to do to get ready for a summer team from Santa Barbara Community Church!
We loved having this team work with us for 11 days in July! Look here for more photos of their time with us! Thank you, SB Community Church!!
Shortly before the new school year began the Chiconautla church put on Vacation Bible School for a week. This was the 3rd VBS our kids helped with over the summer, and it included many unchurched kids who took the daily Bible teachings home to their families.
Then it was time to take Vivanco Kid #2 off to college. Laura flew up with Caleb to help get him moved in at Biola University, and stayed for Parent Orientation activities before saying goodbye. Recent graduate Emily, now living and working in Carpinteria, CA, was also happy to return to Biola for the weekend. Study hard, Caleb!
Back in Mexico, in September, just before the official end of summer, we celebrated two Noches Mexicanas in Chiconautla for Mexico's Independence Day. Many people who would not come to a Sunday church service came and enjoyed the festivities and also heard the message of salvation through Christ.
What a whirlwind of a summer! After squeezing the rest of last school year in around all these activities, our remaining 3 homeschool students are now working on 10th grade (Kelly), 7th grade (Nicolas), and 2nd grade (Bethany). All of them are involved in ministry in various ways, including music ministry, teaching Sunday school, youth group leadership, etc. We're thankful for our kids and for the opportunity to work in ministry as a family! And we're thankful for all of you who partner with us!! Blessings!