Our week of Vacation Bible School was a great success with 85 kids between ages 4 and 12 learning from God's Word each day. Our Children's Ministry staff is grateful for the many volunteers who helped with all these kids. There were lots of new faces among the kids and also the parents who came for the closing ceremony. We pray that the seeds sown that week will bear fruit over time.
Summer also brought 2 more quince años (elaborate celebrations for 15-year-old girls) at the Chiconautla church. Like a huge extended family, the church came together to celebrate Diana...
...and also Zabdi, daughter of our Chiconautla missionaries in Puebla. Both events were great opportunities to openly share the Gospel message with non-believing relatives!
While Emily, our oldest daughter, is back at Biola University for her junior year, Caleb, Kelly, Nicolas and Bethany are enjoying being back at home in Mexico after our 3-month furlough. Soon we'll be starting the new home school year.
We're looking for a new family/ministry vehicle to replace this one that has taken us so many places (and seen so many mechanics). We're finding that we're $2000-$3000 short to get a 2011 or 2012 model, which will allow us to drive it any day of the week in Mexico City's metro area for 4 or 5 years (before being restricted to 5-6 days a week). If you're able to give, please contact us! We're ready for the next chapter (more time/funds for ministry and less for getting the van fixed)!
The Chiconautla church, Iglesia Bautista Bet-lehem, is turning 25!! To God be the glory, great things He has done! We're gearing up for a big celebration on October 18th. Since we have been denied access to the large auditorium nearby, we may be holding festivities on the street as in the past. Please pray that all the details will come together, and that our celebration will show the community that Jesus is Lord.